Hosted by Seed Spot
The 2-Day Launch Camp provides entrepreneurs and individuals that are exploring starting a venture a safe space to explore and launch their idea. Throughout the program, you will have access to mentors, content experts, SEED SPOT's curriculum, and a network of supporters.
Day 1
8:00 AM: Registration
9:00 AM: Kick-off Welcome
10:00 AM: Prioritize Your Purpose
10:30 AM: Setting the Foundation
12:20 PM: Networking Lunch
1:00 PM: Build Your Solution
3:00 PM: Storyboard Your Business
4:00 PM: Pitch Workshop 1
5:00 PM: Mentor Mixer
7:30 PM: Depart
Day 2
8:00 AM: Check-In
9:00 AM: Pitching Workshop 2
10:30 AM: Validating Your Customers and Market
12:00 PM: Workshop Lunch: Minimum Viable Business (MVB)
3:00 PM: Strategic Planning
4:00 PM: Mentorship
6:30 PM: Pitch Night
8:30 PM: Depart