“Two board members attended the Total Impact Conference with me and we all had an a-ha moment. We realized we had to use our endowment differently by coupling our grant making with social impact investing. What a moment of revelation."
- Vanessa Briggs, CEO of the Brandywine Foundation

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 We are ImpactPHL, a catalyst for Greater Philadelphia's impact economy.

We believe that companies and investments can generate value beyond revenue and returns. That it is possible to join profit and purpose. And that there is no better city for these kinds of enterprises and investments to prove themselves.

We are entrepreneurs, business leaders, investors and others committed to advancing public interests while pursuing financial returns.


“It’s time to think about how we align our values and our capital.”

Brian Murray, Principal & Founder, Shift Capital


Greater Philadelphia's Impact Economy

What started out as a small group of individuals united by a shared vision is becoming a fast-growing community that understands impact is just good business. Join us.

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Early-Stage Ventures

Why not start your business with a broader definition of maximizing profits?


Established Businesses

New to impact? Don’t miss the next Best for PHL workshop. You may never see your prospects the same way.

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All investors looking for a better ROI, welcome.

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Engage cross-sector stakeholders collaborating to advance our local ecosystem.


Measuring Success

“We’ve succeeded when impact investing is what's expected.”

John Moore, Executive Chair, ImpactPHL

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$15 million committed to ImpactPHL Ventures to invest in impact-related start-ups.

More than 350 attended the Total Impact Conference in Philadephia in May 2019.

More than 300 businesses have taken the ImpactPHL Challenge.