3 - 3:15pm // Welcome & Introduction

Meg DeBrito welcomes participants to Imagining the Future of Greater Philadelphia’s Ecosystem for Investment in Arts & Culture, invites brief introductions, and reviews the agenda.

3:15 - 3:25pm // Introduction to Moving Minds & Money to Transform Arts & Culture Investment

Megan McFadden & Sammetria Goodson briefly share high-level learnings and suggestions from the primer, Moving Minds & Money to Transform Arts & Culture Investment, about moving beyond the traditional arts and culture investment paradigm.

3:25 - 3:55pm // Participant Panel Kick-Off Conversation

Ryan Bowers kicks off our conversation by highlighting the voices of four local interdisciplinary arts and culture leaders and practitioners:

- Erlin Geffrard (PAFA)
- Gabriela Sanchez (The Philadelphia Culture Fund)
- Rebecca Segall (Gross McCleaf Gallery)
- Tayyib Smith (Guild of Future Architects)

3:55 - 4:10pm // Breakout Group Introduction & Bio Break 

Megan McFadden will introduce our breakout groups, invite a bio break, and ask attendees to find their groups.

4:10 - 4:50pm // Breakout Group Conversations 

Led by facilitators, small groups will focus 40 minutes of breakout group conversation on big-picture investment in the arts and culture sector, significant barriers and assets, immediate needs, and next steps.

4:50 - 5pm // Group Takeaways & Next Steps

We’ll close out by capturing any inspiring or informative takeaways and our collective hopes to address immediate needs and next steps.

5-7pm // (re)Focus Gallery Tour & Refreshments 

Stay for an open invitation of ImpactPHL Social’s broad network with a specific focus on local arts and culture organizations. This is a time to meet each other and experience Fortitude at 50 - A Resilient Five Decades at Gross McCleaf Gallery, an exhibition celebrating (re)Focus, the 50th anniversary of “Philadelphia Focuses on Women in the Visual Arts”.


Art and culture generate meaningful positive impact for Greater Philadelphia’s economy, neighborhoods, and communities; yet, arts and culture-driven practitioners face layered barriers to obtaining the capital needed to sustain, deepen, and expand their work and impact.

How can we come together to collectively imagine the future of Greater Philadelphia’s ecosystem for investment in arts and culture? How can we each bring our own capital - cultural, social, intellectual, financial, and more - to bear for the advancement of arts and culture-driven impact?

Meet our Panelists & Hosts

Our Conversation Goals

  • Convene local investors, arts practitioners, and culture-bearers interested in the future of Greater Philadelphia’s investment in arts and culture

  • Create new relationships or deepen existing relationships between these individuals

  • Prompt preliminary conversations about reimagining the future of Greater Philadelphia’s ecosystem for investment in arts and culture

  • Identify ways that ImpactPHL can support these stakeholders using our programming


127 S 16th St, Philadelphia, PA 19102