

The Economy League of Greater Philadelphia’s PAGE (Philadelphia Anchors for Growth & Equity) program leverages institutional purchasing power to help local and diverse firms create jobs and generational wealth in underserved communities. PAGE represents a uniquely integrated 3-pronged approach to building an equitable business ecosystem in Philadelphia through leveraging institutional supply chains.

  • PAGE R&D - We have built a community of practice among procurement professionals who share data and help us map opportunities for localization and diversification of supply chains.

  • PAGE Prep - We help ensure that Philadelphia’s diverse firms are ‘job ready’ by connecting firms with customized business advisory services.

  • PAGE Capital - We connect local diverse firms with aligned investor networks and capital resources so they have what they need to thrive in competitive institutional supply chains.


With support from an EDA ‘Build to Scale’ grant, The Economy League, ImpactPHL, and Investors Circle partnered to form PAGE Capital to connect firms with aligned investor networks and capital resources. Amongst a number of PAGE Capital outputs and outcomes is a key initiative, The Hurdle Fund.

The Hurdle Fund is a nimble grant program to eliminate small, low-cost hurdles - including insurance, equipment, certification, and more - in order to help local diverse firms win new or grow existing contracts with local institutions. In its first year, the Hurdle Fund deployed $125k to 6 diverse firms, unlocking $1,940,000+ in new revenue from contracts with ten regional institutions including University of Pennsylvania, SEPTA, IBX, CHOP, Temple University, and more.