Volume 86: Investing in Arts and Culture for Generations of Healthy Communities

Culture is seen as meaningful dynamics of a community — connections and relationships, rituals and traditions, languages, and well-being. The assets that communities value, yet are often not seen, understood, or mapped in the traditional investment equation, causes enormous underinvestment in culture. The concept of investing in culture and in artists themselves as central articulations of our neighborhoods and communities is a critical piece in transforming a “missing market” to invest in. What if investors saw the worth of artists as key actors in building new markets for community-led climate and health solutions?

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Volume 85: Finanta Credit Union Focuses on Families on the Economic Margins

The creation of financial centers in Philadelphia that will blend the services of a nonprofit loan fund with a consumer-focused credit union, creating a continuum of financial services and access to capital for every need. Finanta Credit Union focuses on creating pathways for the underbanked to enter the financial mainstream, now opening in North Philadelphia with a full suite of established and tested products.

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Volume 84: Holistic Real Estate Development—A Path to Health, Wealth, and Well-being for All

Barriers to home ownership and property retention have led to vast gaps in wealth, education, and health outcomes in Black and Brown communities. The Growth Collective focuses on real estate assets in divested communities across Philadelphia to create development plans that establish the land and property as valuable impact assets that anchor neighborhoods and accrue to the benefit of long-term residents. Learn about holistic solutions for investing in safer, cleaner, and greener neighborhoods.

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Volume 82: Moving from Conventional to Transformative Impact

Attending the Total Impact Summit ‘24, the leader of Transform Finance shines a light on the tensions simmering while navigating the primary topics of the conference. This article lifts a lens on what he sees as primary methods for change at the Summit — the high density of individuals, family offices, and small foundations that are types of asset owners with the most flexible and nimble ability to make changes to their approach for impact investing.

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Volume 79: Art is Everything - The Economic and Social Impact of Creative Ventures

We need to educate people – individuals, neighborhoods, all types of organizations, philanthropists, politicians, legislators – on the capacity and opportunity that the arts provide, as well as the influence the arts have on the world around us. The arts can be used to support many of the development and equity challenges we face today. How do we lift leadership that recognizes, and rewards, the value of arts and culture in contributing to vibrant, thriving communities.

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Volume 78: To “B” or Not To “B” a Benefit Corporation *

As counsel for many socially-conscious businesses, perhaps the most frequent early-stage question fielded from entrepreneurs is whether they should organize their business as a traditional business entity or as one of the newer, alternative entities that many socially responsible businesses are increasingly using in recent years. While there is no one right answer to this question, Royer Cooper Cohen Braunfeld attorneys in the Corporate & Business Group weigh in with some key considerations that should help entrepreneurs decide on how they want to proceed.

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Volume 77: Selling with Purpose — How We Exited Our Impact Company

Earlier this year, a significant milestone was achieved for NeedsList—founders successfully exited to a values-aligned company that shares their values and is committed to scaling the companies impact. As the Founders of NeedsList shared this news with networks, they were struck by the number of impact founders asking us for advice and to share the journey. With so few resources and case studies available to impact entrepreneurs, NeedsList hopes that their story can shed some light on what was learned.

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Volume 76: Circa Systems - Revolutionizing Retail Through Circularity

The circular economy reimagines our economy as a continuous loop where products are designed for maximum reuse. When those products end their lifespan, the resources that comprise them are recovered and reintroduced into the broader system. The circular economy answers the question of how we can create the highest quality of life for most people without destroying the planet in the process.

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Volume 75: A New Loan Fund — Five Year Impact Return to Create and Preserve Affordable Homes

Women’s Community Revitalization Project’s Loan Fund:  Harnessing new resources to create and preserve affordable homes in communities where housing costs are sky-rocketing. Rising housing costs coupled with stagnant household incomes are straining low-income families’ ability to stay in their homes. The Women’s Community Revitalization Project (WCRP) is a group working to address this issue in several Philadelphia neighborhoods by creating a Loan Fund to enable this effort to move forward.

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Volume 74: The First Mover Advantage — An Investment Approach for Maximizing Impact

“Water, water everywhere, and not a drop to drink.” This popular phrase often embodies the sentiment of diverse emerging impact fund managers who hear countless times, “We like your strategy and your team, but we don’t invest in first-time funds” or “Come back to us when you are on your fourth fund.” Amidst a vast sea of capital, these fund managers are often shut out of accessing the funds needed to achieve their impact goals. This is usually due to a lack of risk appetite for the perceived risk of investing with emerging managers.

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Volume 73: Navigating Challenges in the Coffee Industry — Bridging Gaps Between Underserved Communities

The global coffee industry, often romanticized for its rich aroma and global connections, harbors deep-rooted challenges that disproportionately affect underserved communities in the African diaspora. This complex web of issues includes a stark lack of transparency, traceability, and equity, perpetuating cycles of poverty and dependence. Simultaneously, similar struggles unfold in the vibrant city of Philadelphia, where systemic inequalities create barriers for underserved communities. Amidst these challenges, efforts to bridge the gap between distant communities and Philadelphia are underway, focusing on resilience and empowerment.

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Volume 72: Seeds of Change: Cultivating a Thriving Impact Investing Ecosystem in Philadelphia 

The devastating consequences of divestment, like deteriorating infrastructure, vacant lots, and vast expanses of food and green space deserts, are glaringly obvious in low-income areas of Philadelphia. These inequalities in resources and opportunities have created a vicious cycle of poverty and made upward mobility very difficult. For the Philadelphia region, relying solely on traditional philanthropic models is insufficient to address these entrenched disparities and complex challenges. Poverty, inequality, and environmental degradation cannot be solved by simply chasing profit margins and depending on philanthropy.

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Volume 71: A City of Neighborhoods and the Challenge of Affordable Housing

The devastating consequences of divestment, like deteriorating infrastructure, vacant lots, and vast expanses of food and green space deserts, are glaringly obvious in low-income areas of Philadelphia. These inequalities in resources and opportunities have created a vicious cycle of poverty and made upward mobility very difficult. For the Philadelphia region, relying solely on traditional philanthropic models is insufficient to address these entrenched disparities and complex challenges. Poverty, inequality, and environmental degradation cannot be solved by simply chasing profit margins and depending on philanthropy.

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Volume 69: Investments in Publicly Traded CDFI Banks Catalyzed by ECIP

In September of 2022, the Department of Treasury provided $8.3 billion of Covid relief to CDFI and MDI banks through a program called Emergency Capital Investment Program (“ECIP”). This program provided substantial equity-like awards ranging from $60-500 million to encourage these organizations to increase their financial services to low- and moderate-income, urban, rural, and minority communities. Some recipients are publicly traded, and these large cash infusions attracted the attention of some deep value-seeking investors. In this article, I will explain why this program presents a rare potential opportunity to earn high financial returns while investing in entities that are making a significant impact in their communities. 

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Volume 68: CDFIs Create Vibrant Communities Where Individuals Prosper

Imagine an inclusive, equitable, and vibrant community where individuals prosper, triumph over poverty, and live free from discrimination. Community First Fund, a Community Development Financial Institution (CDFI), works toward making that vision a reality by breaking down barriers to wealth-building opportunities for individuals, families, and business owners, especially Persons of Color, women, and immigrants.

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Volume 67: Innovation, Policy, and Nonprofits Creating Impact for Returning Citizens

The US Criminal Justice System directly impacts 6.6 million people costing more than $80 billion annually.  Racial disparities, extractive business practices, and misaligned incentives mar this profoundly broken system.  More than 4,000 corporations profit from mass incarceration through predatory pricing, prison labor, and the private prison industry, according to research conducted by the Prison Policy Initiative. But the opportunity exists to find highly innovative private sector business models that address the injustices of mass incarceration, poised for the ethical disruption of the Criminal Justice System.

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